Day 11: Lehava, Israel - Amber and Noah


Today was our second full day in Israel, we woke up early this morning to a beautiful sunrise and got ready to go to breakfast. We sat down in the buffet, quickly ate our breakfast and rushed off to our first destination of the day.

Being the very excited bunch we are, we arrived at one of the most cultural experience one could yearn for. We pulled up at a traditional Ethiopian house with a descendant of an Ethiopian tribe there to guide us and teach us about her story. This lady told us her life story and how her rough and traumatic childhood shaped her into the person she is today. We watched videos and ate traditional bread and drank tea of the Ethiopian tribe. We then went upstairs and saw her hut in which she used to live in and still uses to relax in today. We then finished off the tour with some traditional dancing and music to top off the classic cultural experience.

After that, we hopped onto a bus to go to lunch and arrived at a pizza place which served us delicious pizzas fresh out the oven for lunch, and sat with the other bus to catch up on our day.

We then headed back on the bus to get ready to take us to Akko. The Akko tour was the most amazing experience anyone could ever encounter. Going from room to room to see the torture and pain these prisoners went through caused us tremendous pain and sorrow. We as Jews, will never let a monstrosity, like the prisoners of war, happen ever again.

We then left this interesting tour to go to Kibbutz Afik for the next 5 nights, and live the Israeli experience of Kibbutz life.

Today was really an incredible day filled with culture and learning. As a year group, we really took a lot away from today - particularly being proud of our identity, who we are and where we came from.

Day 12: Netzach, Israel - Judd

Day 11: Netzach, Israel - Rachel