Day 8 - Netzach - Lilah

*blog 29/11*

The day began with waking up at our new accommodation in Ayelet Hashachar. Our breakfast consisted of usual Israeli staples such as Shakshuka, Israeli salad and, of course, lots of hummus.

After breakfast and tefillah, Netzach split into boys and girls to start our Tiullim (tours) of the ancient city of Tzfat. The girls group first began with a short walk around the many narrow streets - absorbing the mystical atmosphere of the city, engaging in stories of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and strolling past the many light blue-painted railings, walls and even houses. The tour guide explained to us a possible reason why most buildings were painted this way-the ancient tribe of Neftali may have settled in the Tzfat area, and the tribe’s gemstone on the Kohen HaGadol’s (holy priest in Temple times) breastplate is the same light-blue colour.

Throughout touring, we stopped at two different synagogues, an Ashkenazi and Sephardi, respectively. Every synagogue’s interior was designed with distinct and distinguishable components, with each incorporating personal elements of symbolism that were unique to their respective communities, such as lions in the Arieh Ashkenazi synagogue.

We then proceeded with an immersive and empowering discussion circle about the importance of the mitzvah of Mivkeh (ritual bath) for a Jewish woman. This circle was lead by an amazing woman named Elisheva. She first lead us through a rejuvenating guided meditation, which allowed us to explore the spiritual connection our bodies and our Neshama (soul) have. We then discovered what a Mivkeh was, and how it, too, can allow us to regain a connection with our soul, our relationships, and ultimately, ourselves. We learned that before visiting the mivkeh, we physically strip back material items, or things that hold back our genuine selves; like makeup and clothing - which inherently allows us to spiritually connect with something greater than ourselves whilst in the Mivkeh waters.

After one final blessing from Elisheva to find our connections with our souls and soulmates, we made our way around the streets, Yumishuk vouchers in hand, in search for lunch. After hearing multiple positive reviews from the group, I can also personally say that the food in Tzfat was really delicious.

Following lunch and some free time in the jewellery, art, and Judaic shops, we headed back to the buses for a cruise in Tiveria with the rest of the Netzach side. Although the wind was quite strong and a few members of the group experienced a bit of seasickness, the boat ride was really fun, and a great excuse to have some ruach with everyone on your side, (special birthday shout-out to Sadie!).

As the sun set and we stumbled off the rocky boat, we hopped back onto the buses for dinner; which included barbecued chicken and sausages, served with bread, rice and a variety of condiments, (hummus was featured once again).

Overall, I personally had an amazing day, connecting with not only myself and my spirituality, but also with the other girls on my side. I feel like our shared experience today learning about spiritual Jewish womanhood, has really allowed our relationships to evolve and mentally bring us closer together as a group of young, Jewish women. I’m really looking forward to continuing this spiritual journey, not just for the next four weeks of the program, but hopefully this experience can help me implement elements of Mivkeh and spirituality for the rest of my life as I go through my Jewish womanhood.

Lilah Hedges

Day 9 - Lehava - Tali

Day 9 - Lehava - Tali

Day 8 - Netzach - Jesse & Tal

Day 8 - Netzach - Jesse & Tal